#29: Jesse Itzler Lives Outside the Box
Jesse Itzler
Jesse Itzler does not negotiate his goals.
He’s the author of the New York Times bestsellers, Living with a Seal and Living with the Monks, the cofounder of Marquis Jet, the world's largest private jet card company which he and his partner sold to Berkshire Hathaway/NetJets, and he also partnered with Zico coconut water, which he and his partner sold to The Coca-Cola Company. On top of everything else, he’s also an owner of the Atlanta Hawks NBA team!
Clearly, Itzler has never shied away from prioritizing personal growth and adventure.
“If you don’t prioritize adventure,” he says, “You get a calendar filled up with responsibilities and appointments.”
These days, he’s helping others to prioritize adventure and to “build their life resumes” with his 29209 Everesting events. He and his team literally bring Everest and 29,000 feet of vertical climbing to mountains across the United States. Part “Burning Man,” part “Ironman,” these weekend adventures are all about satisfying that hunger we all have for experience, challenge and growth.
While we all may not aim to literally climb Everest, this episode contains a mountainful of actionable steps that will inspire you to begin fixing the things that may be broken in your life to find the hero within.
Whether it’s the plant-strong food on your plate or your morning movement ritual, learning to start your day with small wins and creating one winning habit or behavior a month not only set a positive tone for the day, but also accelerate your success and happiness.
What can be a better investment than that?
Episode Resources:
Jesse Itzler Website
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Support for this week's episode comes from Wild Earth Dog Food - use promo code: PLANTSTRONG for 40% order
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Esselstyn Family Foundation - Our family foundation is committed to healing the world through the promotion of whole food plant-based nutrition.
JESSE ITZLER only eats fruit 'til noon, loves Run-D.M.C., and enjoys living life "out of the box." In fact, he doesn't even have a box. The author of the New York Times bestseller, Living with a Seal, cofounded Marquis Jet, the world's largest private jet card company which he and his partner sold to Berkshire Hathaway/NetJets. Jesse then partnered with Zico coconut water, which he and his partner sold to The Coca-Cola Company.
He's a former rapper on MTV and wrote and performed the NBA's Emmy Award-winning "I Love This Game" music campaign and the popular New York Knicks anthem "Go NY Go." When he's not running ultra-marathons, eating vegan food or being a dad to his four kids, Jesse can be found at the NBA's Atlanta Hawks games, where he's an owner of the team. He is married to Spanx founder Sara Blakely.
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