Using the tens of thousands of responses from his social media followers, Max LaManna narrowed down a list of thirty of the most commonly wasted ingredients and turned them into delicious plant-based meals in his new book, You Can Cook This!
Read MoreUsing the tens of thousands of responses from his social media followers, Max LaManna narrowed down a list of thirty of the most commonly wasted ingredients and turned them into delicious plant-based meals in his new book, You Can Cook This!
Read MoreGrammy award winner, Richard Marx, shares the emotional moment when he and his wife, Daisy Fuentes, went all-in on being plant-based. He and Rip also talk about his career and some of the magical moments and experiences he’s had over the last 40 years as a multiplatinum recording artist.
Read MoreDoug Graham is most known for developing and authoring the 80-10-10 way of eating; that is when 80% of your calories come from carbohydrates in the form of raw fruits and vegetables,10% comes from plant protein, and the last 10% comes from fat. Not only does he live this way, but he actually wrote the 80-10-10 Diet book in 2006.
Read MoreRachael Brown shares her family’s story, along with tried-and-true tips and tricks, to simplify the process of switching to a whole-food, plant-based diet. With her 10-day guide, say goodbye to the Standard American Diet (SAD) and start eating better, feeling better, and saving more money with a HAPPY (healthy and plant-powered—yay!) diet.
Read MoreNew York Times bestselling author and PLANTSTRONG founder Rip Esselstyn is joined by a very special guest--his father, Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.--discussing the nine ways he has documented reversal of cardiovascular disease over the last 40 years.
Read MoreWhat do cruciferous vegetables, tomatoes, soy, and green tea all have in common? According to hundreds of scientific studies, they all can drastically reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men.
Read MoreToni Okamoto has also been on a mission to prove that healthy eating doesn’t have to be expensive with her site and books,
Read MoreCan plant-based diets help in addiction recovery? The INFINITE Study found that a person's dietary pattern can significantly impact their mental health.
Read MoreCamryn Clements is a Louisiana-born Mom who is passionate about recreating her favorite traditional Cajun dishes in plant-based and vegan form.
Read MoreIn 2012, D. Anthony Evans received a terminal bone cancer diagnosis. Today, he’s thriving with his daily rigorous physical, spiritual, and plantstrong nutritional practice. He embraces pain in order to live.
Read MoreJohn Tanner died in October 2009. A whole food, plant-based lifestyle brought him back to life. Today, he shares research and knowledge about plants that will save the lives of countless others.
Read MoreJessica Hegarty, Director of PLANTSTRONG Food Development, returns to take a deep dive into coconuts. Are they truly a plantstrong food? And, what about coconut water, oil, milk, yogurts, and flour? Hear the surprising results of her investigation.
Read MoreDom Thompson is an activist, bodybuilder, endurance athlete, dog dad, and social entrepreneur, known for his businesses, Eat What Elephants Eat and Crazies and Weirdos. A powerful spiritual epiphany in prison led him to go vegan over two decades ago. “If it requires harm then nahhh,” is his motto.
Read MoreDr. Uma Naidoo, author of This is Your Brain on Food, explains how a plant-forward diet can improve our mood and help treat and prevent a wide range of psychological and cognitive health issues, from ADHD to anxiety, depression, OCD, and others.
Read MoreRip Esselstyn explains the dangerous impact of a sedentary lifestyle and what sitting too long does to our bodies. He also explains the scientific research advocating for us to get up and moving!
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